If you are experiencing greater than normal hair loss, take a look at several things. It is easier to diagnose and correct now than to wait until it is horribly noticeable by others and embarrassing to you.
1. Check your diet. If you are not eating a balanced diet, your entire body will be affected, and your hair is a part of your body. Certain proteins, minerals, and oils are critical for normal hair health.
2. Check your stress levels. Anxiety and stress are common causes of hair loss. Some stress cannot be avoided – death of a loved one, divorce, loss of job, financial worries – but you can take steps to reduce their affect on your body. One of these is regular exercise. As well, you need to develop relaxation techniques, such as breathing therapy, Yoga, or meditation. Whatever works for you, increase it!
3. Hair loss can be a symptom of a disease – Lupus and Diabetes are two common causes. When hair loss appears to have no other cause, you need to check with your doctor. Diabetes and Lupus are more dangerous than the hair loss they cause.
4. How about mom and dad? Hair loss, particularly pattern hair loss, is partially a result of heredity, and heredity from both sides. Unfortunately, this one can’t be reversed.
5. Fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss. Usually, you will see the signs of these on your scalp. Have them diagnosed and get them treated!
6. Harsh shampoos can cause increased hair loss. There is an ingredient in shampoo which causes it to lather – surfactant. Too much of this can cause itchy, dry, and scaly scalps, and those conditions can cause hair loss.
7. Other hair treatments will increase hair loss. Frequent dyes, perms, and dry heat (blow dryers and curling irons) can damage hair. Your follicles are still operating well, but your live hair is fried and falling out.
If you find that you are doing everything right and have no diseases or scalp conditions, you will want to try other remedies, which fall into three categories.
1. Medicines developed specifically for hair loss. There are a multitude of creams, pills, and ointments available to try. Everyone is different and what works for one will not necessarily work for you. You will need to experiment to find one that seems to work best for you.
2. Natural remedies are available as well. Most of these include essential oils, that is, concentrated oils from specific plants. Provillus is a very good example of this method of hair loss treatment. Provillus is an oral supplement, which works to block DHT, a form of testosterone that is responsible for 95 percent of hair loss. It also works to stimulate the scalp and bring dead follicles back to life. You can use Provillus as a preventative tool, starting the program before hair loss becomes severe, or you can use it after DHT has already begun to take hold of your hair and scalp. You can get it at www.provillus.com.
3. Surgery: There are a wide variety of procedures available to you, however, they are quite costly. Any type of permanent hair replacement will take several months, several visits, and several trips to your bank account.
Research your options, and get several consultations before a final decision.Try the least expensive and lifestyle change options first. If they work, you have saved yourself time and money. But don’t sit on the situation too long – hair loss can be a symptom of something more serious. For more information visit: Provillus